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Saturday, February 28, 2009

As if driving and cell phone use are not enough!

I found this story at MSN. Is it not enough that this woman was talking on her cell phone while driving, she also felt she had to breast feed her child at the same time. Talk about child endangerment.
KETTERING, Ohio - Police in Ohio say a woman has been charged with child endangerment after another motorist reported she was both breast-feeding the youngster and talking on a phone while driving.

Police in the Dayton suburb of Kettering say the caller told them he saw the woman Thursday.
Officer Michael Burke says authorities used a license plate number to track down 39-year-old Genine Compton.
He said the woman told officers she was breast-feeding and wouldn't let her child go hungry.
Burke said the legal concern is that Compton had a child in her lap while driving, not that she was breast-feeding in public.

He said the child was under 2 years old.
Police say the woman faces up to 180 days in jail and a $1,800 fine if convicted of the misdemeanor.

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Monday, February 16, 2009

A break in the weather

This past Tuesday, we finally got a break in our weather, which I was able to use to ride my bike to work. It was a little cold in the morning, but I know how to dress for that. The change of pace was quite nice, though. However, the soundtrack I originally wanted was delighted due to Youtube's copyright policy, and I had to substitute.

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Saturday, February 07, 2009

Their candidate lost, get over it!

Over the last few weeks since his inaugauration, I have heard quite a few very negative remarks about Barack Obama and his policies. And all I have to say is this: The candidate they wanted lost and they should get over it.
We are less that a month into the new administration, so at least I think that it is much too early judge whether Obama is a failure as President. We have been blowing 10 to 12 billion dollars a month for years rebuilding the infrastructure over in Iraq, wouldn't the money be better spent rebuilding our own?
Schools, especially in the area where I live, have been struggling for money for years. Yet, at the same time, we have the resources for building schools in Iraq. Personally, I would rather have that money used here to improve our own education system, which is a joke.
Rebuilding our own infrastructure and education system are two of the main focuses of the Economic Recovery Act. Construction engineers and laborere who have been layed off and furloughed will be able to get jobs. Truck drivers will be needed to deliver the materials needed for these projects. Not to mention the money they will be spending here.
All this fear mongering has to end some time.

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