Blog of a discontent conforming noncomformist
Saturday, June 30, 2007
So Paris Hilton is out of jail and says that she has changed her ways. Yet she has said that before and has shown that she just will not learn her lesson. What wiil it take? Will possibly taking some one else's life finally drive that lesson home?
More than likely, we will see Paris Hilton's name in the news again within the next few weeks. She has proven unrepentant and has given a judge a slap in the face. Any other person would not have gotten as much press coverage as she got through this ordeal that she has subjected the American public to.
The first thing that should be taken from her is her access to her family's money. That way she would have to work for a living just like the rest of us. Next, bar her from the media coverage she has become accostumed to. We will see how quickly her star fades from the public eye. Not that she has any real talent anyway. Here is the interview where she describes her stay as traumatic. Is that not what jail is supposed to be?
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Summertime in Grand Haven
Just a few days ago, I decided to take a bikeride to Grand Haven, Michigan, which happens to be a town twenty miles north of my hometown.
This picture is of the old Grand Haven Life Saving Station. This is the building that housed the Coast Guard in Grand Haven before the current station was built. It has since then been made into someone's home.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Summer is finally here
Friday, June 01, 2007
She gets to see how the other side lives
I saw in the news today the jail cell that Paris Hilton will be living in for the next few days. Out of all the many people who have gone to prison for similar offenses, Paris Hilton is the only one who is getting her name in the news. The only reason that she is in the news at all is because she has money and is an heiress. Other than having money to burn, she has no talent whatsoever. I wonder whether her cell mates will be the ones to finally put that rich girl in her place.
People like Paris Hilton always seem to forget where their parents and grandparents money came from. Their money came the common people that some of these people have publically despised so much. Her cell mates will remind her of that. Having money does not give one talent.