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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thursday Night Beach Ride

This movie is one I made about a week ago. Riding through downtown Holland has become one of my favorite things to do on my bike. In the beginning of the movie, I show a band that was playing outside one of our local attractions here, called Skile's Tavern. They are performing as part of our local Street Performers groups, the last of which was held today due to the ending of the summer season.

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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Monday night's beach ride

This is a movie that I made during one of my trips out to the beach on my bike. During this ride, I visit Tunnel Park, one of our local county parks. There is also a small airport that I like to visit. Sometimes you can watch small aircraft taking off or landing. There is also a small part of the airport available for r/c modelers to fly their aircraft.


Friday, August 15, 2008

BIcycle commuting

This is a movie that I made showing my ride home from where I work. With the weather as good as it has been and the high price of gas, driving the car does not make any sense. Plus add to that riding my bike is much more fun. Until riding in the road reachse critical mass, most drivers are lost at what to do when encounter cyclists in the road. Never mind that we are subject to the same rules of the road as cars. Some people just need to grow up and realize that bullying does not always work.

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Saturday outing.

This is a video that my father took while out boating this past Saturday. Towards the end, I was bounced off the tube. We had a good time that day.

Monday, August 04, 2008

My ride home

I did this video as a compilation video of my commutes home from where I work. These were taken with the GoPro camera over a period of a few days. Much to the chagrin of our local redneck population, for the most part, I ride in the road. Chapter 257 of the Michigan Vehicle Code defines my rights and responsibilities as a cyclists in the state of Michigan.


Saturday, August 02, 2008

GoPro test

This is a video I made of my first time trying out the GoPro Digital 3 camera. Some of these clips were taken at the Grand Haven Coast Guard Festival. Others were taken during my ride home from work. I will be posting more while I use this little wonder. And, BTW, it even takes still photos.
